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Born and raised in the depths of a foreboding swamp, Myrthe embraced the teachings of ancient Druidic traditions, becoming a powerful protector of her domain.

As a hermit, she honed her connection to the swamp and unlocked its secrets, granting her mastery over its flora, fauna, and mystical energies.

Now, she ventures beyond her secluded home, driven by an urgent need to defend the natural world from those who seek to exploit or destroy it.

Myrthe the Lizardfolk Swamp Witch harnesses the power of nature to protect her domain and unleash destruction upon her enemies. Her connection to the swamp grants her mastery over its dark secrets and control over
the environment, making her a formidable force to be reckoned with.


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    Poison Spray

    Thorn Whip


1st Level:

    Cure Wounds


    Fog Cloud


2nd Level:



    Lesser Restoration

    Spike Growth

3rd Level:

    Call Lightning

    Plant Growth (from Circle of the Land)

    Protection from Energy

4th Level:

    Blight (from Circle of the Land)

    Control Water (from Circle of the Land)

    Dominate Beast

5th Level:

    Antilife Shell

    Insect Plague (from Circle of the Land)

    Tree Stride

6th Level:

    Conjure Fey


    Transport via Plants

7th Level:

    Fire Storm



8th Level:

    Animal Shapes

    Control Weather


9th Level:

    Storm of Vengeance


Myrthe also possesses the War Caster feat, allowing her to maintain concentration on her spells with ease and cast spells even when her hands are full, enhancing her magical prowess in combat.


Impair the thoughts of her enemies

Insect Plague: Summon swarms of insects to ravage foes

Blight: Drain the life force from her targets


Conjure writhing tentacles to restrain adversaries

Plant Growth: Manipulate vegetation to impede or aid movement


Create a nauseating gas to debilitate opponents


Ensnare her enemies in sticky strands


Dominate the swamp’s watery terrain


A cunning strategist, Myrthe uses her spells and abilities to control the battlefield, hinder her enemies, and protect herself and her allies. She excels at manipulating the environment to her advantage, using spells like Plant Growth and Control Water to create difficult terrain or barriers for her foes. Myrthe can also cripple her enemies’ abilities with spells like Mire the Mind or Stinking Cloud, leaving them vulnerable to her allies’ attacks. In dire situations, she can shape-shift into powerful beasts to evade danger or engage in direct combat.


Myrthe’s home is a secluded, camouflaged dwelling situated deep within the swamp. Constructed from a mixture of swamp vegetation, mud, and wood, it is built on stilts to keep it above the waterline. The dwelling resembles a natural mound or overgrown hummock, making it difficult for outsiders to recognize. It is surrounded by twisted trees, dense undergrowth, and patches of dark, murky water. Vines, moss, and lichen cover the exterior.

Despite the dark and cold exterior, the interior of Myrthe’s dwelling is warmed by a small fire stove built into the wal. Candles light corners shelves and the air is filled with the earthy scents of the swamp.

She has organized her home to suit her needs, with a space for meditation and spell preparation, as well as a place to sleep and rest. The dwelling also contains a small area for preparing meals and storing preserved foods.

The walls are adorned with swamp flora, animal skulls, and bones, as well as various trinkets and talismans that hold personal significance.

A makeshift table made from driftwood and flat stones displays an array of herbs, roots, and other natural components used for her spells and potions.

As a Lizardfolk, Myrthe is an omnivore and primarily consumes a diet consisting of foods found within the swamp environment. Her diet includes fish, frogs, snakes, insects, mollusks, and other small creatures, as well as edible plants, roots, tubers, and fungi. She is a skilled hunter and gatherer, adept at finding sustenance in the seemingly inhospitable surroundings of the swamp.


Myrthe’s connection to the swamp has fostered alliances with various creatures that call the swamp their home, including other Lizardfolk, Bullywugs, and Will-o’-Wisps. These creatures respect her role as a guardian of their shared domain and may come to her aid when the swamp is threatened.

However, Myrthe’s dedication to protecting her swamp also attracts enemies. Those who seek to exploit the swamp’s resources or encroach upon its boundaries, such as unscrupulous loggers, poachers, or necromancers, may find themselves facing the wrath of the Swamp Witch.


Myrthe’s enigmatic nature and fearsome power have given rise to numerous rumors and legends that echo throughout the surrounding lands.

Some whisper of the Swamp Witch, a reclusive Lizardfolk who holds dominion over the dark, fog-shrouded waters and can summon armies of insects to consume those who trespass on her territory.

Others tell tales of a mysterious figure who can bend the very earth and water to her will, transforming the swamp into a treacherous labyrinth of quicksand, twisted roots, and impenetrable vegetation.

Whether these stories are true or mere exaggerations, one thing is clear: those who dare to cross her path do so at their own peril.


Myrthe’s strong connection to nature and the life force it represents makes her particularly opposed to necromancers.

Necromancers manipulate and corrupt the natural cycle of life and death by raising undead creatures, defiling the spirits of the deceased, and perverting the balance that Myrthe, as a druid, seeks to preserve.

Additionally, the swamp is a place teeming with life, where decay and growth are interwoven in a delicate balance. Necromancers threaten this balance with their dark practices, potentially turning the swamp into a lifeless, blighted wasteland. Myrthe’s dedication to preserving the swamp and upholding the natural order fuels her animosity towards necromancers and their twisted magic.


Establish her presence: Introduce Myrthe as a mysterious and powerful figure within the swamp, with local rumors and legends hinting at her abilities and influence. This can create anticipation and curiosity among the players, making their eventual encounter with Myrthe more engaging and memorable.

Expand her story: Develop Myrthe’s backstory further by creating events or personal connections that led her to become a protector of the swamp. This can provide additional depth to her character and make her even more engaging for the players.

Emphasize her motives: Myrthe’s primary goal is to protect the swamp and preserve the balance of nature. Ensure that her actions and decisions align with this motivation, and consider involving the players in a quest or conflict related to the protection of her swamp, allowing them to interact with her as an ally or antagonist.

Show her impact: Demonstrate Myrthe’s influence on the swamp and its inhabitants through environmental changes or the behavior of the creatures she commands. This can help reinforce her role as a powerful guardian and further immerse the players in the world.

Develop her relationships: Create relationships between Myrthe and other NPCs, both allies and enemies, to provide additional plotlines and opportunities for role-playing. This can lead to alliances, betrayals, or rivalries that the players can become involved in.

Create role-playing opportunities: Use Myrthe’s background as a hermit and her strong connection to nature to create interesting role-playing opportunities. She might have valuable information about the swamp, ancient lore, or secrets that the players need, prompting them to negotiate or make a deal with her. This can lead to engaging and memorable interactions between the characters and Myrthe.

Utilize her environment: Myrthe is most powerful in her swamp environment, so when the players enter her domain, use her spells and abilities to challenge them with difficult terrain, hazardous conditions, and natural obstacles. Take advantage of her swamp-themed spells to create a unique and challenging experience for the players.

Employ allies and minions: Myrthe’s connection to the swamp grants her alliances with various swamp creatures. Use these creatures as allies or minions in encounters with the players, showcasing her influence over the swamp and creating a more diverse and dynamic combat scenario.

Adapt her power level: Depending on your campaign and the players’ experience, you may need to adjust Myrthe’s power level. If the players are lower-level, consider reducing her level and abilities to provide a more balanced encounter. Conversely, if the players are higher-level, you can increase her abilities or give her additional resources to make her a more formidable challenge.

Introduce plot hooks: Use Myrthe as a source of adventure hooks for the players. She may have knowledge of lost artifacts, hidden locations, or powerful enemies within the swamp that the players must confront or retrieve. This can help guide the players’ journey and create a strong connection between them and Myrthe.

Include moral dilemmas: Present the players with situations where they must choose between Myrthe’s goals and their own objectives or the needs of other NPCs. This can create interesting moral dilemmas and add complexity to the story, as the players must weigh the consequences of their decisions.

Swamp Witch’s Trinkets

    A vial of glowing swamp water, which softly illuminates the surrounding area.

    A small, intricately carved wooden idol of a swamp creature, its eyes seeming to follow you.

    A jar containing preserved swamp insects, used in various rituals and concoctions.

    A collection of dried, twisted roots, each emitting a faint, otherworldly hum.

    An ancient, weathered scroll, detailing the secrets of a long-forgotten swamp ritual.

    A crude, yet functional, blowgun crafted from the hollowed-out branch of a swamp tree.

Magical Swamp Components

    A pouch filled with iridescent, magical swamp moss, said to enhance the power of spells.

    A handful of silvery, enchanted frog eggs, rumored to have transformative properties.

    A cluster of luminescent mushrooms, which can be brewed into a powerful healing potion.

    A vial of rare, viscous swamp nectar, known to grant temporary invisibility when consumed.

    A dried, enchanted swamp flower, capable of producing a hypnotic fragrance when burned.

    A jar of potent, magical leeches, which can drain the life force of those they attach to.

Swamp Witch’s Curiosities

    A small, enchanted hourglass filled with fine, multicolored swamp sand, said to measure the ebb and flow of the swamp’s magical energies.

    An ancient, tattered map depicting the ever-shifting waterways of the swamp, which seems to magically update itself to reflect current conditions.

    A collection of exquisitely detailed, hand-carved wooden figurines representing the various inhabitants of the swamp, both mundane and magical.

    A small, locked chest, adorned with intricate swamp-themed engravings, containing a mysterious object known only to Myrthe.

    A delicate, ethereal chime crafted from the bones of a long-extinct swamp creature, which produces haunting, otherworldly tones when played.

    A beautifully illustrated tome detailing the flora and fauna of the swamp, including rare and dangerous species not found in conventional texts.

Myrthe’s Magical Concoctions

    A bubbling potion that temporarily grants the drinker the ability to breathe underwater, perfect for navigating the swamp’s murky depths.

    An elixir that provides resistance to poison, helping to counteract the venomous creatures and toxic plants found in the swamp.

    A thick salve that accelerates the healing of wounds when applied.

    A tincture that enables the user to communicate with plants, allowing them to gain valuable information about their surroundings.

    A small bottle containing an essence that, when released, creates a thick, obscuring fog to conceal oneself or hinder pursuers.

    A vial of enchanted liquid that, when poured on the ground, can temporarily grow a tangle of vines and roots to impede movement or trap foes.

Myrthe’s Animal Companions

    A wise, ancient swamp tortoise that serves as Myrthe’s confidant and advisor in times of need.

    A clever and elusive swamp fox, which scouts the swamp’s hidden paths and brings Myrthe valuable information.

    A loyal and fierce swamp panther that guards Myrthe’s home and accompanies her on dangerous missions.

    A mystical and elusive swamp serpent, rumored to have potent venom and a hypnotic gaze.

    A swarm of intelligent, magical dragonflies that serve as Myrthe’s eyes and ears throughout the swamp.

    A massive, intimidating swamp alligator that patrols the waters around Myrthe’s home, deterring potential intruders.

Myrthe’s Personal Artifacts

    An ancient, gnarled staff, crafted from the heartwood of a rare swamp tree and imbued with powerful, primal magic.

    A beautifully crafted amulet, made from the bones and teeth of swamp creatures, which enhances Myrthe’s connection to the swamp’s energies.

    A worn, leather-bound grimoire containing the spells, rituals, and wisdom Myrthe has gathered during her time as the swamp’s protector.

    A set of enchanted, lightweight armor crafted from the scales of a swamp serpent, providing protection without hindering Myrthe’s movements.

    A small, magical crystal that allows Myrthe to cast spells silently, evading detection by enemies who might be listening.

    A cloak made from the feathers of swamp birds, which grants Myrthe the ability to blend seamlessly with her surroundings and move undetected.

Morwenna’s Hidden Sanctuaries

    A secluded, overgrown grove deep within the swamp, where the trees form a natural dome that provides shelter and a place for meditation and contemplation.

    A small, hidden island in the center of a murky swamp pond, where a circle of ancient, moss-covered standing stones harnesses powerful magical energies.

    A partially submerged, abandoned hut, once inhabited by another witch, now serving as a secret refuge and storage place for Morwenna’s valuable items.

    A narrow, winding tunnel that leads to a large, underground cavern filled with bioluminescent plants and fungi, providing a haven from the swamp’s dangers.

    An ancient, petrified tree hollowed out by time, which serves as a hidden sanctuary and observation point for Morwenna to watch over the swamp.

    A floating, mobile sanctuary made from an entwined mass of swamp plants and magical energies, allowing Morwenna to move undetected through the swamp’s waterways.

Morwenna’s Favorite Swamp Plants

    Moonlit Orchid: A rare, bioluminescent orchid that blooms only under the full moon, emitting a soft, ethereal glow. Morwenna uses the petals to create potions that grant night vision.

    Marshroot: A thick, twisted root that grows beneath the swamp’s surface, known for its potent healing properties when brewed into a tea or used as a poultice.

    Whisperwillow: A slender, graceful tree with silvery leaves that seem to emit a faint, otherworldly hum. Morwenna uses the bark to enhance her connection with the spirits of the swamp.

    Bog Blossom: A delicate, fragrant flower that grows atop the swamp’s waters, its petals capable of purifying water and neutralizing toxins when properly prepared.

    Shadowfern: A dark, almost black fern that thrives in the swamp’s most hidden recesses, its fronds used by Morwenna to create concealment and shadow-based spells.

    Quicksilt Vine: A sturdy vine that grows along the edges of the swamp’s treacherous quicksand pits, its fibrous strands prized by Morwenna for their strength and versatility in potion-making and crafting.

Yucky Yet Magical Swamp Foods Prepared by Morwenna

    Bog Bean Stew: A thick, hearty stew made from the bitter roots of the bog bean plant, which is known to provide temporary resistance to cold and damp conditions.

    Slime Mold Tart: A savory pastry filled with a gelatinous, luminescent slime mold, which can enhance the consumer’s ability to concentrate and focus their magical energies.

    Mudskipper Pâté: A rich, earthy spread made from the ground-up flesh of swamp-dwelling mudskippers, granting the eater temporary water-breathing capabilities.

    Pickled Swamp Beetle: Crunchy and sour, these pickled swamp beetles may be an acquired taste, but they provide a boost to the consumer’s reflexes and agility.

    Fungal Custard: A custard dessert made with the spores of rare swamp fungi, which can increase the eater’s resistance to poisons and diseases.

    Blood Moss Tea: A bitter, dark red tea brewed from the infamous blood moss, known to fortify the drinker’s constitution and grant temporary hit points.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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AuthorSorceress & Witch


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